activity job

英 [ækˈtɪvəti dʒəʊb] 美 [ækˈtɪvəti dʒoʊb]




  1. The Schedule Job activity triggers the job on a timely basis, here once daily.
  2. As you can see from this graph, when the job starts there is some activity on the network when the job launches.
  3. This activity will DRILL IT INTO YOUR BRAIN ( help you remember) that you are the best person for the job.
  4. An experiential activity, Trust Spaces is conducted in an environment of respect and confidentiality, in which employees volunteer to share their perceptions about their own job and the company.
  5. Above all, skilled migrants boost their host cities by encouraging economic activity and job creation.
  6. To many parents particularly ones here in the heart of the technology corridor coding looks less like an extracurricular activity and more like a basic life skill, one that might someday lead to a great job or even instant riches.
  7. It is important to restore economic activity and create a favorable environment for entrepreneurs, particularly small and medium-size businesses, which constitute the main engine of job creation.
  8. The sharp decline in exports "has severely impacted domestic economic activity" and was likely to lead to a worsening job market, the central bank said.
  9. The record falls in activity in both surveys underlined the rapid deceleration in the Chinese economy in recent months, which has raised fears of heavy job losses and prompted shifts in fiscal and monetary policy.
  10. The construction enterprises are to do well and accurate cost accounting and analysis of economic activity, they should do a good job pre-and settlement management.
  11. Jonathan Miller, who works with the Johnson Space Center's Extra-Vehicular Activity Office in Houston and came here to see the last landing, says his concern goes well beyond the issue of job losses.
  12. Activity A would be skipped since ProcesContext is aware that activity A did its job.
  13. Weaker activity is starting to affect the job market too.
  14. Work, labour and toil are uncountable nouns indicating the activity needed to perform a job.
  15. Right-click job activity monitor, and click View job activity.
  16. The researchers said their findings suggest no amount of leisure time activity can offset the harm done from long periods of sitting down on the job.
  17. But there is also an alternative scenario in which construction activity continues to drop precipitously, resulting in more heavy job losses, weak house prices and an erosion of consumer confidence that would threaten recession.
  18. Business results occur when skills taught during a training activity are applied on the job, thereby improving job performance.
  19. After entering the 19th century, scientific discipline highly split up and the scientific activity became a kind of special job.
  20. As an activity owning long history, translation is destined that it is a job dealing with language.
  21. How to motivate employee's enthusiasm and activity, How to make use of employee's intelligence and knowledge fully to create maximal value and realize the target of enterprise, is becoming the key job of Human Resource Management.
  22. Then activity is adjusted considering not only job's time attribute but also the economic and constructional nature.
  23. Based on the standard of interior accounting control that has been issued by the Ministry of Finance, and the finance activity and reality of accounting job, the target and dominant content and method of interior accounting control of petroleum enterprise have been discussed.
  24. The job manager is composed of invoker, conversation manager, instance manager, job instance, activity instance and activity invoker. The job manager provides an executing engine for grid jobs.
  25. Besides that, I also use the theory of western activity curriculum in my teaching. Through organizing activities such as debate contests and mock job fair to create communicative situation to enhance students 'oral communication level, which has achieved good effect.
  26. Shunting activity is an important job content of railway transportation production and service.
  27. Meanwhile, entrepreneurial activity plays increasingly important role in pushing forward innovation, urging upgrade industries and create new job opportunities.